5GZORRO Final Event 2022

5GZORRO Final Event 2022 Towards a Dynamic Spectrum Marketplace Sept. 19, 2022 – 5GZORRO is pleased to present in this Final Event, the latest results and outcomes on the ambitious goal stated at the initial stage: to define solutions for the 5G evolution in longer terms, having Zero-touch automation, security, and trust among multiple […]
vCDN in pervasive networks

Authors: Marinela Mertiri, Vasileios Theodorou – INTRACOM TELECOM Introduction User mobility and spatio-temporal variations in content popularity make the end-to-end deployment and undisrupted operation of IP-based mobile video streaming services, such as IPTV and Video-on-Demand (VoD), very complicated. In order to maintain a high Quality of Experience (QoE) for mobile clients, the common practice is […]
5GZORRO Newsletter #9 – Summer 2022

5GZORRO Newsletter #9 is published with the latest update and news. 5GZORRO 6th Plenary Meeting 2022 EVENTS 5GZORRO wins the EUCNC & 6G Summit Best Booth Award! 5GZORRO PLATFORM NEW VIDEO 5G service innovation and its impact! 5GZORRO SURVEY! Towards a dynamic marketplace for 5G resources Read the Summer 2022 newsletter Follow us in: Twitter: […]
5GZORRO Cloud-Native Open Source MEC Platform

Author: Katherine Barabash, David Breitgand and Avi Weit, IBM 5GZORRO architecture is created to enable several advanced multi-provider 5G use cases. One of the use cases, Pervasive vCDN Services put forward by INTRACOM, is depicted in the figure below. The use case calls for on-demand provisioning of additional service resources based on user requests load, […]
5GZORRO in OSM13 Ecosystem Day

Intracom Telecom presentation: π-Edge Platform and OSM for Security Analytics Automation in Network Slicing Authors: Alexandros Valantasis, Research Engineer Nikos Psaromanolakis, Staff Research Engineer Vasileios Theodorou, Senior Research Engineer OSM13 Ecosystem Day Date: 15 June 2022 π-Εdge Platform is an Edge Management Platform, interoperable with centralized orchestration entities via a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) delivery model, as […]
5GZORRO Newsletter #8 Spring 2022

5GZORRO Newsletter #8 is published with the latest update and news. • 5GZORRO Platform New Video. 5G service innovation and its impact! • 5GZORRO Survey! Towards a dynamic marketplace for 5G resources Delivering another successful 5GZORRO Tech Talk#3! • Share and discover heterogeneous types of resources, in particular spectrum, virtualized radio access, virtualized edge/core, software […]
PoC#5 On-demand Non-Public Networks (NPNs) for industry 4.0

Author: Adriana Fernández-Fernández, I2CAT 5GZORRO and 5GCLARITY Projects collaboration on approved ETSI ZSM POC featuring Zero-Touch provisioning practices in networks environments. The ETSI ZSM ISG has officially approved the Proof of Concept proposal backed by 5GZORRO and 5G-Clarity partners TID, i2CAT, NXW, Interdigital and Universidad Carlos III (UC3M). The PoC, identified as PoC 5 […]
Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) in the Telecom space

Author: Eduardo Santiago, Ubiwhere This post serves as an introduction as to how companies in the Telecommunications sector can leverage this novelty and how some have already done so, while also taking into consideration the possible repercussions in such adoption. Ubiwhere, along with its consortium members Altice Labs, Atos, Bartr, Comunicare Digitale, Fondazione Bruno […]
Towards a dynamic marketplace for 5G resources

This survey explores the attractiveness and challenges of platforms, such as 5GZORRO, which enable marketplaces for 5G-related resources, including spectrum, in a dynamic, zero-touch, secure, and trusted way. As part of its research into the potential changes to the value chain and business models that could be provided by 5G, and to better understand and characterized […]
5GZORRO: Enabling Governed Distributed Security & Trust in 5GZORRO

Authors: Bruno Santos and André Gomes, Altice Labs Concept of Trust in a 5GZORRO Governed Distributed Environment One of the key challenges of obtaining trusted entities in a non-centralised ecosystem is the proof of identity. These need to be standardised across the whole distributed platform, in order to avoid compatibility and segregation issues through […]