On 3 June 2021, 14:00 – 17:30 CEST, BEREC is organising a public online workshop on 5G. This event will focus on two themes – New Business Models and Value Chains and Innovation. Dr. Shuaib Siddiqui, director of the Software Networks Area in I2CAT, will participate in a panel discussing the pace of innovation in 5G services, representing […]

5GZORRO is working on Zero-touch automation, security and trust among multiple parties through blockchains, network slicing across various domains, ubiquitous computing and connectivity for multi-operator 5G networks, Distributed Ledgers for Telcos. 5GZORRO partners have prepared a series of very relevant contributions and activities in this context: -Two conference papers will be presented: ‘Blockchain-Based Zero Touch Service Assurance […]
5GZORRO Use Case 3: Pervasive Virtual Content Distribution Network (vCDN) Services

The fifth-generation mobile communications demonstrated to be one of the main catalysts for the pervasive digitalisation of our society: ultra-high bandwidth, low latency and increased connectivity density are some of the main characteristics of 5G which Vertical industries are leveraging to implement innovative applications for business.
Despite the considerable progress of the last few years, state of the art 5G networks nowadays (up to 3GPP Release 16) are not yet at the stage of complete achievement of all the challenging performance requirements and features promised, both in terms of specifications and prototypes and products.
5GZORRO NEWSFLASH #1 – Spring 2021

The 5GZORRO newsflash #1 is published, to keep informing with the latest Blog post, papers, and news on the project funded by the European Commission in the framework of Horizon 2020. In this issue: 5GZORRO Blog post UC2: Dynamic spectrum allocation Paper: aiOS: An Intelligence Layer for SD-WLANs; Adaptive ML-based Frame Length Optimisation in Enterprise […]
5GZORRO partners came together for their 3rd Plenary Meeting and a 2-days software Hackathon

From prototypes to the first 5GZORRO-core end-to-end demo The 5GZORRO virtual 3rd Plenary Meeting took place March 16, followed by two days of an intense and fruitful Internal Hackathon: From prototypes to a 1st 5GZORRO-core end-to-end demo. During these three days, more than 40 members of the consortium have joined in a retrospective of […]
5GZORRO Use Case 2: Dynamic spectrum allocation

The fifth-generation mobile communications demonstrated to be one of the main catalysts for the pervasive digitalisation of our society: ultra-high bandwidth, low latency and increased connectivity density are some of the main characteristics of 5G which Vertical industries are leveraging to implement innovative applications for business.
Despite the considerable progress of the last few years, state of the art 5G networks nowadays (up to 3GPP Release 16) are not yet at the stage of complete achievement of all the challenging performance requirements and features promised, both in terms of specifications and prototypes and products.

The 5GZORRO newsletter #4 is published, with the latest news, papers, and deliverables on the project funded by the European Commission in the framework of Horizon 2020. In the new issue: 5GZORRO Use Case 1: Smart Contracts for Ubiquitous Computing/Connectivity Centralized and Federated Learning for Predictive VNF Autoscaling in Multi-domain 5G Networks and Beyond Two […]
5GZORRO Use Case 1: Smart Contracts for Ubiquitous Computing/Connectivity

The fifth-generation mobile communications demonstrated to be one of the main catalysts for the pervasive digitalisation of our society: ultra-high bandwidth, low latency and increased connectivity density are some of the main characteristics of 5G which Vertical industries are leveraging to implement innovative applications for business.
Despite the considerable progress of the last few years, state of the art 5G networks nowadays (up to 3GPP Release 16) are not yet at the stage of complete achievement of all the challenging performance requirements and features promised, both in terms of specifications and prototypes and products.
5GZORRO: AI-driven Zero-touch Operations, Security and Trust in Multioperator 5G Networks: Reference architecture

Last 5th of Feb. 2021; Consortium partners Alexis Lekidis, Intracom-Telecom; Paulo Chainho, Altis Labs, and Gino Carrozzo, Nextworks gave a 5GZORRO project presentation during the 5G-PPP Architecture WG telco meeting. The 5G Architecture Working Group as part of the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) Initiative, focuses on the 3rd stage of 5G evolution, and it […]
5GZORRO Newsletter #3 – WINTER 2020

In the new issue: 5GZORRO paper “AI-driven Zero-touch Operations, Security and Trust in Multi-operator 5G Networks: a Conceptual Architecture”, 5GZORRO Video presentation and 5GZORRO Tech Talk resume.