5GZORRO Final Event 2022
5GZORRO Final Event 2022 Towards a Dynamic Spectrum Marketplace Sept. 19, 2022 – 5GZORRO is pleased to present in this Final Event, the latest results and outcomes on the ambitious goal stated at the initial stage: to define solutions for the 5G evolution in longer terms, having Zero-touch automation, security, and trust among multiple […]
5GZORRO @OSM12 Ecosystem Day
During the next OSM Ecosystem Day, the organizations that comprise the OSM Ecosystem will share their experience with Open Source MANO and explain how it helps them achieve their goals. In such occassion, 5GZORRO will hold a presentation on project activities on deployment and commercial initiative on: “Marketplace-driven 5G network slices among multiple operators in […]
Top 5 Challenges To Overcome In The Social Media Industry.
ETSI recently announced two major specifications released by the ETSI Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) Industry Specification Group.